Thursday, February 2, 2012

Water Baby!!!

I love swimming! I grew up in Florida a short car or bike ride from the beach and my family had a boat. I was also on the swim team at a young age. So I was in the water swimming all the time. Well now we live in North Dakota and I don't have such easy access to swimming opportunities. But I knew as soon as Aaron and I decided to have a baby that he/she would be a swimmer. So we took our first steps to making that happen this week. Miles started baby swim classes. I am so excited to get him in the water.
Reaching for a toy, this was his favorite part
Every Tuesday and Thursday we go to the YMCA for a half hour lesson. We sing songs and kick and try and grab floaty toys that are just out of reach. We even have a couple of friends in the class with us. Anna and her mom Katie, and Katie and her mom Stacey. Miles is the youngest baby in this class, but I think you're never too young to get in the pool, right?
Swim baby! That's Anna and Katie in the background.
The water was really warm, like bath water. So no fretting with him being cold. I was a little worried that I might drop him in the water, it isn't easy to keep hold of a baby in the pool.
Look Dad, we're swimming!
The lessons go for a month so we will have lots of exposure to the water. Looks like it is going to be a fun time.

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